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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

{Review} Accordance by Shelly Crane

by Shelly Crane
Series:  Significance (#2)
Publisher:  Shelly Crane
Pages:  312 (ebook)
Source:  Self Purchased
Available as of September 15, 2011

In the sequel to Significance, Maggie learns much more about all the strange things that have happened to her and has to face many new ones. She learns something about herself, that she is something that the clans have been waiting for. She rebels against it but, ultimately must face it for her new family's sake and maybe even her life. Bish went from being her biggest supporter to her biggest pain in the butt and Kyle's intentions to attract her interest may not be so innocent. Caleb and Maggie face many new obstacles together as a couple and on their own. They fight to work through them but will one that should be a good thing be too much for Maggie to handle? Will she become who she has to be to save the ones she loves or will she crumble under the pressure as this epic love story continues.


This review contains spoilers if you haven't read the first book in this series.

My Review:
After reading Significance, I had to start Accordance as soon as possible. I love the world Shelly Crane created and I am eagerly awaiting the minute Defiance is available for purchase. 

Accordance begins right where Significance left off at the beach house in California. Maggie and Caleb weren't expecting Bish and Kyle to show up and spoil all the fun. They were expecting anyone but them. Bish is suspicious and Kyle is acting all cranky because he loves Maggie but can't have her. This was supposed to be a stress-free zone, but how can Maggie not stress when she is trying to hide who she really is from Bish?  

I really liked this book for a number of reasons. First and foremost, Maggie and Caleb. I love these two characters. If I could trade places with her for a day, I would...in a heart beat. Granted she is super stressed out and not handling things well, I would still do it. Second, we finally get to spend time with the ever-protective older brother. Bish may be rude, cranky, and suspicious of the events that are unfolding in front of his eyes, but he is a big part of Maggie's life and she doesn't want to lose him. Third, we find out how special Maggie really is, and not just to Caleb and the Jacobson's, but all Aces. Finally, no matter how much Maggie protests, Caleb will spoil her whether she likes it or not. I love that she is grateful for what she has and that she is also accepting of it as well. 

There is only one thing I really didn't care for about this installment to the Significance Series, Maggie starts to get just a little whiny. Not to the point of annoyance, but just enough to where I noticed it. 

Overall, this is a wonderful addition not only to the series, but also to my library of books. I look forward to reading and reviewing Defiance when it comes out on March 13, 2012.  


Heather said...

Hi Doodle, thanks for stopping by my blog and for following. I love your blog! Great review too, I may have to read this one.

Alice said...

HI, thanks for following writingsnippets. I haven't read this book so I didn't read the review cuz I don't want the spoilers, but from your rating it looks like a book I might need to read.

Doodle said...

Just make sure you read Significance first! Shelly Crane did a wonderful job on this series.

Doodle said...

Thanks for stopping by! If you want to read the review from the first book in this series, Significance, click here.

Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer said...

i haven't read this series..but i am curious now..thanks for sharing your great review.

Jaime Lester said...

This series is one that has made me very happy that I started giving Indie's a chance. I adore this series. I read books 1-4 in a day and a half. Maggie and Caleb are wonderful as a couple. Bish is a fantastic older brother. He loves Maggie and wants the best for her and does his best to protect her, even if he goes about it the wrong way. Kyle adds a great amount of tension to the story. I love Jim, Maggie's Dad. And Caleb's family is one of the best families that I have met in all of my reading days. I can't wait to read your reviews for the 3rd and 4th books.

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