• Splintered - AG HowardSplintered
  •  graceling - kristin cashore
  •  someone to love - addison moore
  •  breaking beautiful - jennifer shaw wolf
  •  the perfect game - j sterling
  •  the edge of never - ja redmerski
  •  independence - shelly crane

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Book Tag!!

1. You must post the rules. 

2. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then create eleven new questions to ask the people that you have tagged. 

3. Tag eleven people and link to them on your post. 

4. Let them know you've tagged them!

Questions given by Turning The Pages


1. What was your favorite book as a child and why? 
My favorite book was One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish by Dr. Seuss.  I enjoyed getting my tongue tied and trying to say the rhymes as quickly as possible.  I currently own a One Fish, Two Fish tee shirt.

2. Why did you first start your blog? 
I started my blog because I realized that I had read an extraordinary amount of books in less than a year and I couldn't exactly remember what happened in every book.  So now when I go back and review each of the books I've read and new ones, I take notes and provide a review which could be helpful to a reader trying to find a new book.  I know when I was trying to find a new book to read it was challenging on occasion and I wish I would have thought to look into book blogs to help steer me to a new book.

3. What genre of books best describes you?
Young Adult Romance.  I'm the girl with two or three really close best friends and tend to have issues where I need those best friends that you would find in YA Romance novels.

4. Who is your favorite author?
I have a few favorite authors because I honestly hate choosing one, single favorite of anything.  So here they are in alphabetical order...
Kelly Armstrong - Because I absolutely love her Darkest Powers & Darkness Rising trilogies.
Shelly Crane - I fell in love with her Significance series and could read them over and over again even after learning them word for word.
Amanda Hocking - When I started reading for fun again last year it was her books that made me want to fall into an alternate reality and search for new ones when I read ALL of her books.
Quinn Loftis - I love her specific take on werewolves and she introduced me to Shelly Crane's books as well.

5. If you could meet any author dead or alive who would it be?
I would want to meet either George Orwell or Elie Wiesel. 

6. If you could be a character in a book who would you be and from which book?
Jacque Pierce from The Grey Wolves series by Quinn Loftis.  If you read this series you will understand my choice entirely. 

7. Do you stick to one genre or are you all over the map with your reading choices?
I tend to keep to Young Adult, but I like to jump around within the bounds of the genre.  I enjoy reading anything from romance to science fiction and paranormal to dystopian.

8. Do your family/friends follow your blog?
Some do.  After telling  my mom about my book blog, she asks me if I need money for more books and my friends who enjoy reading for pleasure ask me for recommendations.

9. If you had one piece of advice to tell a newbie blogger what would it be?
If you are book blogging, join Goodreads and join groups!
Blogging in general - have a goal in mind when you start, be creative, and keep good grammar/English.  I cannot tell you how many times I have stopped reading a blog because of poor grammar or English.

10. What is the most rewarding thing about blogging for you?
The feeling of accomplishment when I set a goal.  I am a major procrastinator, however, with my blog I began setting due dates for myself and sticking to them, as well as working on my organizational skills.  I finish books and blog about them immediately instead of putting it off because it is easier to get my feelings about a book down as soon as I finish reading, take a step back, and then edit later.

My Questions!!
  1. When did you begin book blogging and why?
  2. Who is your favorite author and why?
  3. If you could pick one book series to turn into a movie adaption which would you pick and who would you cast as the main characters?
  4. Was there any point in your life where you stopped reading books?  If so, why?
  5. What is your favorite quote from a book you have read recently?
  6. What book are you most looking forward to reading in 2012?
  7. What is your favorite book genre?
  8. What TV shows are you currently watching?
  9. Physical books, Ebooks, or Audio Books?
  10. What kind of music do you enjoy listening to?  (List some bands if you like!)
  11. If you could be any character from any book who would you be?

Duck, Duck, Goose...
Thanks again to Kimberly from Turning The Pages

1 comment:

kindreddreamheart said...

Thanks for tagging me! Here's my answers: http://kindreddreamheart.blogspot.com/2012/02/book-tag-rules-1.html

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