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Thursday, October 18, 2012

{Review} Glass Houses by Rachel Caine

Glass Houses 
by Rachel Caine
Publisher:  Allison & Busby
Series: The Morganville Vampires (#1)
Pages:  348
Source:  Puchased
Available as of October 3, 2006
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Fishpond
The Book Depository | Books-A-Million

It’s a small college town filled with quirky characters. But when the sun goes down, the bad comes out. Because in Morganville, there is an evil that lurks in the darkest shadows—one that will spill out into the bright light of day.

Claire Danvers has had enough of her nightmarish dorm situation. The popular girls never let her forget just where she ranks on the school’s social scene: somewhere less than zero. And Claire really doesn’t have the right connections—to the undead who run the town.

When Claire heads off campus, the imposing old house where she finds a room may not be much better. Hew new roommates don’t show many signs of life. But they’ll have Claire’s back when the town’s deepest secrets come crawling out, hungry for fresh blood...


My Review:
Love, love, love, love, love. Before reading Glass Houses I was in the air about my feelings towards vampires. Twilight kinda killed them for me, but Rachel Caine has brought back my love for the fanged beasts.

Claire Danvers is brilliant. She's sixteen and starting her freshman year of college. Sadly, her parents wouldn't send her far from home so she got stuck in Morganville at a school where half the student body drops out or disappears by the end of their second year. Claire didn't think having to stay close to home could get any worse until she starts getting picked on.

I'd heard so many great things about this series that I was worried about starting it and having it now live up to my expectations. I'm so happy this wasn't the case. For once, the main character isn't some dim wit female whose sole focus is guys. Yes, there were mentions of attractiveness, but there was substance to the novel that didn't revolve about a guy. The closer I got to the end the quicker the pace became. I flew threw the last 75 pages like they were nothing. It kept me on my toes.

Overall, Glass Houses reignited my love of vamps. It kept my attention and I ordered the next three books in the series before I even got halfway through. If you haven't started this series yet, you should. It will take you for an amazing ride.


Kittie Howard said...

Great job! Sounds like a fun read. I come from a small town with quirky characters. No vamps (that I know of).

Elisabeth said...

Seems TWILIGHT has a way of either making or breaking a vampire fan. Funny...

Liesel K. Hill said...

Thanks for the review! I'm very wary of vampire books--just kind of sick of them--but I've heard good things about these ones. Thanks! :D

aparajita said...

thanks for the review.....i still need to begin the series but its amazing...maybe my faith in vampires can finally be restored(vampire diaries is there but i'd like something new)

Le' Grande Codex

JennRenee said...

I enjoyed this book. I need to re-read so I can continue the series. I am a fan of Twilight but I like my vampires both bad and good. This one definitely had them bad! I live in fantasy land. Great review.

Alicia said...

I just read this series a couple of months ago - I got addicted and finished all twelve books within just a couple of weeks!

Now I can't wait for the next one to come out, but I like reading the whole series in one shot, it is more fun for me and I don't lose as many details between readings.

ham1299 said...

This is a series I've been wanting to read ever since I read Caine's short story in Enthralled: Paranormal Diversions. I think I've been reluctant to start because I've never been much into vampires (except Dracula - awesome story), plus the fear of disappointment. (So many books don't live up to the hype.) You have made me more determined to read this, so it's moving up my TBR list. Thanks! :-)

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