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Friday, January 25, 2013

{Interview} Kaitlyn Deann

Today I have Kaitlyn Deann, author of The Witches' Sleep, with me today on the blog.

Hi Kaitlyn! Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to be here at Doodle’s Book Blog!

Pet Peeves? Everyone has them. Could you tell us about a few of yours?
I don’t like wooden kitchen utensils. I don’t like scrubbing carpet with a rag. People can’t eat cereal around me unless I’m eating some too. And I don’t like the sound of slurping or smacking.

If you could choose to have any superpower, what would you want and why?
Invisibility, so I can stalk someone and not be creepy. Haha! *winky face*

If we were to take a look at your nightstand, what book would we find?
Holding the Future Hostage by Tialla Rising!

When you aren't writing what do you enjoy doing?
I love hanging out with my friends when I’m not writing! I also read. Or just chill and listen to music; that’s one of my favorites, I suppose.

Name 3 things you always have with you when you are writing.
Laptop, iPod, flash drive.

Do you listen to music when you write? If so, can you name a few songs that were playing or inspired you while writing The Witches’ Sleep?
Yes! I have a playlist PER BOOK! Let’s Dance by Hawk Nelson, Set Apart This Dream by Flyleaf, Heaven by Jars of Clay…to name a few!

Can you describe The Witches’ Sleep in 10 words or less?
That’s super hard! How about this: “Ella’s shot and wakes up in a new world as a different person.” 13 words. That’s about as short as it’s going to get!

Where did you get the idea for this story?
For The Witches’ Sleep, I had watched the movie Inception, and from there I built a whole story, finding inspiration in small ideas from other little things and squishing them all together to mold them into what I wanted, which is now The Witches’ Sleep.

Are any of the characters based off of people you know?
Not on purpose. I did accidently write my dad into the book as the character’s dad. Only slightly though. The part of him being loving, caring and sacrificial is all inspired by my dad! I didn’t realize this until after the third draft. No one else in the book resembles anybody I can think of right now. The mother in the book is nothing like my mother. She’s dramatic and stuck up, and my mom isn’t like that.

Is there anything you would like to say to your readers?
 Ehem… My dearest readers, what can I say that hasn’t been said or implied? I shall try my best to get across my affections towards you in the simplest way: What shall I do if you do not read what I have produced? I am indebted to you, my faithful readers, because you have inspired and encouraged me when I have needed it the most. Blessings be to you, my darling readers! May blessings be poured in plenty upon thy life!

Thanks again for being here with us today Katilyn!

The Witches' Sleep 
by Kaitlyn Deann
Series: The Witches' Sleep (#1)
Pages: 428
Available as of August 2012
Amazon | Barnes & Noble
The Book Depository

At only seventeen, Ella Barnes is shot and killed for an unknown reason. She is shocked when she wakes up in a different world, a world of witches. Ella has to learn to adapt to a new body, new life and new world, surrounded by new people. As Ella gets to know Raena, the world of the witches and its people, she realizes they aren’t the perfect creatures they believe themselves to be, and she’s not the type of person to stand around and twiddle her thumbs. Will Ella succeed in changing the mindset of the people? Or will she be doomed to die another cold and tragic death because of her rebellion?

Kaitlyn Deann is a 17-year-old homeschooled author of THE WITCHES' SLEEP. As a writer she wants to keep a reader turning pages late into the night and give them something to think about long after they finish the last page. She loves her friends, family and God. Activities include piano, singing badly and not caring, breathing, eating too many cuties (fruit) at inappropriate times and of course, writing. Laughing is her favorite calorie burner. She lives in Texas with her family. To know more, visit www.kaitlyndeann.com


Michelle Chew said...

A different kind of concept. Another life after death sounds intriguing,especially the thing about witches. I'm wondering if Ella will find out who shot her and why? Thanks for bringing this book to my attention! :)

Elisabeth said...

INCEPTION truly is an inspirational film! And wooden utensils are inventions of the devil (they warp whenever you wash them, even by hand!).

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