• Splintered - AG HowardSplintered
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  •  breaking beautiful - jennifer shaw wolf
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  •  the edge of never - ja redmerski
  •  independence - shelly crane

Friday, February 1, 2013

Blogger Days!

Hello, hello!
Welcome to the first edition of Blogger Days!

Today I have with me Rhomy from I Know That Book!
I know that book!

Tell us about yourself.
Holaaaaa! I'm Rhomy, a 29 years old dentist that lives in Argentina, with a huge passion for reading, traveling and languages. A little nerd sometimes and I'm in love with a sexy guy from California. (yeah, you got it right! almost 7000 miles apart but I've always like the easy stuff... XD)

What inspired you to start your book blog?
I opened my account on GoodReads on November 2011 and from that moment I noticed that I loved reviewing. I discovered great books and blogs and one day in October 2012 I just said: "Why not?" and here I am XD

What would you be doing if you never started your blog?
Probably same as always... work, home, reading and skyping with my sexy boyfriend.

Are there any bloggers that have really inspired you? Tell us about them.
I can think of a thousand cool blogs but definitely there are 2 that I found so beautiful that made me want to have one lol. Those are: Walking on Bookshelves and Lost is Literature.

What are some of your favorite books?
Tough one, the ones with sexy guys on them?
Nah, really. I have a "Favorites" shelves on Goodreads that it's growing day by day but I created and "elite" group which I named "6 STARS" and it includes 15 books. Divergent by Veronica Roth, Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini, The Lux series by Jennifer L. Armentrout and The Premonition series by Amy Bartol are some of them!
AHHHHH! I almost forget "Sweet Evil" by Wendy Higgins!

Do you have any bookish pet peeves?
Ok, first of all, I had to google that XD (Spanish speaking person here!) 
so if I didn't get the real meaning well... bear with me :P
I'd say, WHINY HEROINES and boys that fall in love with them in like... a minute!
Or PERFECT CHARACTERS, yes, let's face it, nobody wants to read about flawless people!

If you could interview any author, dead or alive, who would choose and why?
Mmmm... Shakespeare. And I would definitely ask him if he could write all his works again in a modern English because I almost killed myself trying to read "The Winter's Tale" (again... Spanish speaking person here! Thankfully my Kindle has a dictionary incorporated... but it was "turtle speed" reading)

Are there any reviews that were really fun or easy to write? Difficult to write?
The hardest are the ones when I didn't like the book.
I always try to make my critic helpful and not hurtful. 
Saying the things I didn't like but also underlining the good things I found.
Sometimes I read really awful and mean reviews that can be funny for a minute or two but then I think that a writer spent a lot of time and effort on that book, so it's not fair just to "destroy" it because maybe it wasn't my cup of tea but other people may like it.

What do you enjoy doing when you aren’t reading and blogging?
I love learning languages, I'm trying to learn German at the moment (not easy guys! not easy!) and I love rollerskating at the coast.

Do you have any tips for aspiring book bloggers?
Not really XD. Nah, seriously, with the right dedication, any blog can be great. I'm still learning!

Parting thoughts?
This was fun! Thanks for having me!
And for those who are interested, I own a Book Tours Company and we are always looking for new bloggers to join us! (we are trying to make it more "YA" now! but we host any fiction genre)

You can find Rhomy....


Amy said...

That a fun interview!! We share some favorite books and series. I love that she likes learning different languages. So cool!

Unknown said...

Hi! Thanks for having me today! Doing the interview was so much fun!

Anonymous said...

wonderful first interview ;D. I love finding and reading about bloggers that blog from different countries.

miki said...

I'm happy to discover you Romy and as a native french speaker i understand why you had difficulty with " bookish pet peeves" ^^;; i had to search a translation too

and i'm learning spanish at the moment^^

Unknown said...

You are not boring, Rhomy! Great interview.

Unknown said...

Thank you guys! And Miki I'm glad I'm not the only one lol.
Good luck with your Spanish lessons!

Teddy Rose said...

Wonderful interview! It's nice to get to know Rhomy more. Wow, learning new languages as a hobby, that's great.

Elisabeth said...

Oh, Goodreads is awesome. I know some people don't like it, but I adore it!

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