• Splintered - AG HowardSplintered
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Thursday, August 1, 2013

{Interview & Giveaway} Shudder by Samantha Durante

Today I have Samantha Durante, author of Stitch & Shudder, with me today on the blog.

Hi Samantha! Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to be here at Doodle’s Book Blog!Thanks so much for hosting me, Emily!

Pet Peeves? Everyone has them. Could you tell us about a few of yours?
Biggest pet peeve is smoking! Especially now that I'm pregnant, it's the wors - you just can't get away from it, ugh. And penny-pinchers. Life's too short to squabble over a few dollars on the dinner bill!

If you could choose to have any superpower, what would you want and why?
Time travel - I'd love to be able to see the future and go back to meet my ancestors or experience major events for myself.

If we were to take a look at your nightstand, what book would we find?
At the moment, a whole bunch of pregnancy/parenting books! My first baby is due in October, so I've been reading up trying to prepare. :-)

When you aren't writing what do you enjoy doing?
Reading, of course, and spending time with family/friends. My DVR schedule is also quite packed...lol.

Name 3 things you always have with you when you are writing.
My laptop (that's number one!), my notes for whatever chapter I'm working on, and most likely my cat, who likes to think he's my faithful writer's assistant!

Do you listen to music when you write? If so, can you name a few songs that were playing or inspired you while writing Stitch & Shudder?
I love music, but I'm actually totally anti-music when writing - I just can't concentrate on writing when music is playing. But I was listening to a lot of Muse around the time when I came up with the idea for the trilogy, so I'd say they had an influence!

Can you describe Stitch, Shudder, or the trilogy in 10 words or less?
Dystopian sci-fi romance with some paranormal and lots of twists!

Where did you get the idea for this trilogy?
I began with the idea of doing a college ghost romance, but couldn't figure out how to get the girl and the ghost in the same time/place for a happy ending without resorting to time travel. The Stitch Trilogy is a very creative solution to that problem!

Are any of the characters based off of people you know?
Yup, they're all amalgams of people I know. Alessa in particular is a lot like me since I generally just put myself in her shoes and try to figure out how I'd respond in her situation!

Is there anything you would like to say to your readers?
THANK YOU so much for all of your support! You guys are the best, and I absolutely can't WAIT to share the final book of the trilogy with you!

Thanks again for being here with us today Samantha!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

If you haven't read the first book, Stitch, you can find my review here.  Only $0.99 at Amazon!
And be sure to check back later this month for my review of Shudder!

by Samantha Durante
Pages: 348
Available as of June 15, 2013
Amazon | Barnes & Noble

-- Book 2 in the Stitch Trilogy --

It's only been three days, and already everything is different.

Paragon is behind her, but somehow Alessa's life may actually have gotten worse. In a wrenching twist of fate, she traded the safety and companionship of her sister for that of her true love, losing a vital partner she'd counted on for the ordeal ahead. Her comfortable university life is but a distant memory, as she faces the prospect of surviving a bleak winter on the meager remains of a ravaged world. And if she'd thought she'd tasted fear upon seeing a ghost, she was wrong; now she's discovering new depths of terror while being hunted by a deadly virus and a terrifying pack of superhuman creatures thirsting for blood.

And then there are the visions.

The memory-altering "stitch" unlocked something in Alessa's mind, and now she can't shake the constant flood of alien feelings ransacking her emotions. Haunting memories of an old flame are driving a deep and painful rift into her once-secure relationship. And a series of staggering revelations about the treacherous Engineers - and the bone-chilling deceit shrouding her world's sorry history - will soon leave Alessa reeling...

The second installment in the electrifying Stitch Trilogy, Shudder follows Samantha Durante's shocking and innovative debut with a heart-pounding, paranormal-dusted dystopian adventure sure to keep the pages turning.

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