• Splintered - AG HowardSplintered
  •  graceling - kristin cashore
  •  someone to love - addison moore
  •  breaking beautiful - jennifer shaw wolf
  •  the perfect game - j sterling
  •  the edge of never - ja redmerski
  •  independence - shelly crane

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Blogger Days: Megan @ Paperbook Princess

Hello, hello!
Welcome to the second edition of Blogger Days!

Today I have with me Megan from Paperbook Princess!
Paperbook Princess

Tell us about yourself.

I am really not very good at talking about myself… but let’s see if I can find anything nice to say shall we?

HI! I’m Megan and I run Paperbook Princess, I am also a daughter, sister, wife, aunt and friend. Oh and I am Canadian! YAY for Canadians eh? I also love hockey and I am SO happy that the NHL strike is over. I also hate the cold and the snow (weird right? Since I live in Canada and well we have snow and it’s SO cold!)

I am a very shy person until I get comfortable with you, if I am with a crowd of people that I don’t know, I have been accused of having this look of utter boredom on my face and I generally don’t say a single word the whole time.

I love McDonalds (awful right?) and I am not a fan of chocolate, but if you give me any sort of peanut butter chocolate (aka Reece’s Peanut Butter Cups) I will sit there and devour it.

I always tell people I don’t watch a lot of TV, but then I think about it a little more, and well I have so many shows set up to record on my PVR each week that it is kinda scary! I watch Hawaii Five-0, Biggest Loser, The Voice, Criminal Minds, Arrow, Nashville, the Vampire Diaries (favorite show EVER), Beauty and the Beast, and Once Upon A Time… yea see? Way too much TV!

Um… I think that’s about it… I’m pretty normal I guess eh? Other then the whole not liking chocolate thing at least.

What inspired you to start your book blog?
I started Paperbook Princess almost a year ago, and WOW I can’t believe I have been blogging since then! I started it mainly because I have always read so much, but I have a hard time rereading a book, or remembering WHAT I have read. So my blog is a way for me to keep track of what I have read, and refresh my mind when the next book in a series comes out… as well as helping me to not buy books I have already read!

What would you be doing if you never started your blog?
If I didn’t take the plunge and start Paperbook Princess, I would probably still be reading the same amount of books that I have always read, but I wouldn’t have been able to meet all the amazing bloggers that I have met, as well as been able to read or even realize that there were so many awesome authors that are self published!

Are there any bloggers that have really inspired you? Tell us about them.
Hmm… there are so many bloggers that I totally love… I Love Readers in Wonderland, and Alyse is super cool. I also love SupaGurl and she also runs some pretty awesome book tours, plus Heather, Michelle and BookGeek are so awesome to talk to on Twitter! Hmmm wow there are so many that I want to name! Booktastic Reviews, Always YA at Heart… and wow I really think I could go on FOREVER!

What are some of your favorite books?
Favorite books, this is probably one of the hardest questions I ever have to answer.. and a lot of people ask me this because everyone knows I am such an avid reader.

I honestly don’t think I have a ‘Favorite Book’ I read a lot of books from all different genres, from romance to YA, from biographies to non fiction… if it has words and a title I will read it!

But, I guess if I had to choose a book, I would say either Wings by Danielle Steel, or Handmaids Tale by Margaret Atwood…

Do you have any bookish pet peeves?
Bookish Pet Peeves… well I don’t have many, I probably do a lot of things that most people would want to kill me for (such as folding the corners down in books I’m reading) but the one thing that really annoys me, and my husband does ALL the time, is putting the book you are reading down, halfway through a chapter! I don’t know why, but there should be no reason to stop reading until you finish the chapter... eek! It bugs me!

If you could interview any author, dead or alive, who would choose and why?
I don’t know honestly… I don’t think anyone, its that whole I’m shy mentality.. I honestly don’t think I would be able to… but if I somehow got the chance to interview an author, and didn’t pee my pants from nervousness first… I would say Nora Roberts. She is just such a fantastic writer, and I always devour her books when they come out!

Are there any reviews that were really fun or easy to write? Difficult to write?
I think all reviews should be difficult to write, because even if you absolutely loved the book and stayed up all night to read it (which is what I have done many times) how do you even put what you thought into words? I think that’s the toughest part… writing what you thought, while not giving too much away, but also enticing others to read it too…
My favorite reviews to write have been my reviews for all the books in The Premonition Series by Amy Bartol… they are just such awesome books, and well yes I have major book crushes on the guys in them… and when I fan girl about them… she takes the time to acknowledge it… regardless of how often I do it, sooo I tend to go extra overboard because its just so FUN to pull a huge fan girl moment every once in a while.

What do you enjoy doing when you aren’t reading and blogging?
When am I not reading and blogging? I honestly am ALWAYS reading, I don’t go anywhere without either a book or iPad because you never know when you may have a few minutes to spend with your current read.
But I guess every once in a while I do put away my nerdiness and I watch my brothers hockey when its on TV, I also watch my millions of shows, and yea I spend some quality time with my hubby every once in a while too.

Do you have any tips for aspiring book bloggers?
I think that only thing I would tell aspiring book bloggers, is just have fun! If you have started a blog recently, or are considering it… do it for yourself, don’t do it to get free books or to make money… OH and use Twitter! It is honestly the best way to keep in touch with other bloggers from around the world, and you will meet so many awesome people always willing to give you a hand if you need it!

You can find Megan....

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